The Agrarian Question in Polish Parliamentarism

Beata Jeżyńska


The agrarian question, as a concept of legal language, has its sources in other sciences, first of all, in sociology, economics and political science, where historically it is defined as a gap between the demands of the developing life and the existing relations, which no longer correspond to the emerging needs. Over the years the content of the agrarian question in Poland has evolved, keeping, however, the processes of the industrialization of agriculture in the focus. Recent years have brought about a profound change in the interpretation of the agrarian question. Its content is nowadays shaped by three fundamental factors: the balance of agroecosystems and access to agricultural resources; food security and safety; globalization processes and social movements, in which the idea of participation of agricultural producers and rural population in social market economy is realized. Each of the aspects indicated is a challenge for contemporary parliamentarism.


agrarian question; agricultural resource; food security; food safety; globalization; social participation

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Date of publication: 2022-12-30 20:25:43
Date of submission: 2022-11-09 12:24:03


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