Structure and Staffing of the Department of Civil Engineering of the City of Lublin 1939–1942

Mateusz Pielach


The issue of the administrative system in the General Government has not yet been sufficiently studied and developed. This article is of a scientific and research nature. The author presents the structure, competences and staff of the Department of Civil Engineering, one of the main departments of administration of the city of Lublin, the capital city of the Lublin district in the years 1939–1944. The aim of the research was also to show that the entire administrative apparatus in Lublin functioned under the full supervision of the German authorities and was obliged to follow the instructions of the occupier. The issue of territorial and local administration in the area of the General Government definitely requires further research. There are works referring to individual county and municipal administration bodies, but there is a noticeable lack of synthesis taking into account all structural and organizational aspects of administration and containing an assessment of its functioning. The main source of information are archival materials available at the State Archives in Lublin (Files of the City of Lublin 1939–1944). In addition to the characteristics of the Department of Civil Engineering, the article also describes the basics of the administrative system in the General Government and the Lublin district.


administrative system; Lublin; occupier; Department of Civil Engineering; General Government; Lublin district

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State Archives in Lublin, Files of the City of Lublin 1939–1944, ref. no. 76–89.


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Date of publication: 2024-03-28 13:58:09
Date of submission: 2021-12-15 11:23:39


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