Globalisation in the Gavel: Unveiling the Transformation of Poland’s Judiciary and the Lawyers’ Perspective in the Age of Interconnectedness

Stanisław Lipiec


The study presents a comprehensive, scientific and research-orientated analysis of the impact of globalisation on the Polish judiciary, with a specific focus on the experiences and adaptations of Polish lawyers. It delves into the integration and challenges of applying international legal norms, particularly European Union law, within the Polish legal framework. The research methodology includes qualitative interviews and a thorough review of legislative developments, providing a methodological approach to understand the phenomenon. The report identifies the adaptation of Polish legal professionals to globalisation of law as a significant scientific problem, justifying the need for a deeper exploration of this issue. It posits the main thesis that the Polish judiciary is undergoing a transformative phase, influenced significantly by international legal principles, but faces challenges in the complete assimilation of these norms. The purpose of this research is to shed light on the nuanced process of legal globalisation within a national context, focusing on the role of legal professionals in this transition. The originality of the research lies in its detailed examination of Polish lawyers’ perspectives, a relatively underexplored aspect in the existing literature. The scope of the research is both national and European Union focused, with implications for international legal studies. Its cognitive value extends beyond academic discourse, offering practical insights for legal practitioners and policymakers in Poland and similar jurisdictions undergoing legal globalisation. The findings contribute significantly to the understanding of the socio-legal dynamics at play in the context of global legal integration.


globalisation; Polish judiciary; international legal principles; European Union law; lawyers

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Date of publication: 2024-06-27 10:20:39
Date of submission: 2021-05-10 14:03:47


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