Selected Issues of Animal Protection in the Light of the Judicial Decisions of the Supreme Administrative Court

Jerzy Stelmasiak


The article analyses and assesses the line of judicial decisions of the Supreme Administrative Court regarding a temporary seizure of an animal from its owner or guardian following a breach of the obligation to treat it humanely. The article also analyses the legal status that social organisations, the statutory aim of which is the protection of animals, has in administrative proceedings. Next, the author presents the characteristics of resolutions of municipal councils on the municipal programme of care for homeless animals and prevention of animal homelessness, which in the court judicial decisions are classified as local legal enactment. Finally, the article presents the line of judicial decisions concerning the relation between a resolution introducing a by-law on maintaining cleanliness and order in a municipality and the requirements of animal protection set out in the Act of 21 August 1997 on the protection of animals.


protection of animals; temporary seizure of an animal from its owner or guardian; municipal programme of care for homeless animals; judicial decisions of the Supreme Administrative Council; local legal enactment



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Date of publication: 2021-09-16 22:46:54
Date of submission: 2021-04-21 01:03:52


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