Influence of the EU Climate and Energy Framework and Trade Policy on Implementation of Permanently Sustainable Forestry – Legal Aspects

Katarzyna Leśkiewicz


The subject of considerations are the legal aspects of the influence of the EU climate and energy framework and trade policy on implementation of permanently sustainable forestry. Even though forestry belongs to the competences of Member States and there is no formal establishment of common forest policy in the TFEU, the new LULUCF Regulation and provisions of regulations regarding prevention of illegal timber trade prove that there is an ongoing process of subjecting forestry to the competencies of the European Union to a growing extent as well as reducing the area left to Member States. It must be stated that the platform for expansion of EU regulations on Member States’ forestry in terms of land use and timber trade – acts adopted within the trade policy and climate and energy framework – is the principle of sustainable development that derives from international legislation and is also included in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. This principle is also the foundation for development of the beginnings of common forest policy that emerges at the verge of EU policies.


forestry; principle of sustainable development; climate change; forest law



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Date of publication: 2020-06-21 16:40:29
Date of submission: 2020-02-03 17:42:55


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