Cd and Pb in the “soil-plant” system of Holosiyiv green park area in Kyiv

Nataliia Ryzhenko, Nataliia Yastrebtsova, Dmytro Ryzhenko


In this paper, the content of metals (Cd and Pb) was investigated in soil-plant system of Holosiyiv green park area in Kyiv. Kyiv is the capital and largest city of Ukraine, and has an anthropogenic load. Metals pollution in various degrees in green park areas may affect people’s health through different paths. We propose to control the lead contamination in soil because Pb concentration levels were above when compared with background values in almost all samples of soil and exceeded the maximum permissible concentration in sites of top of hills in park. Moreover, the obtained results indicated high concentrations of lead in studied plants; most of them are medicinal and traditionally used by people. The highest phytomass concentration of Pb was observed in Asarum europaeum L., whereas Impatiens parviflora DC and Urtica dioica L. had the highest plant up-taking indexes for both studied metals.


trace metals (Cd, Pb), Holosiyiv green park zone, soil-plant system, plant up-taking indexes

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Date of publication: 2020-12-26 01:25:42
Date of submission: 2019-11-11 11:57:21


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