Supervisees’ Perceptions of the Supervision Process: Case Study of Master 2 Students of English Language Department at Ibn Khaldoun University of Tiaret, Algeria

Chaima Bekki


Supervision is defined as intensive, interpersonally focused one-to-one relationship between the supervisor and the supervisee. This study addresses supervision at the level of Master as a process that is influenced by many factors, namely supervisees’ perceptions. It aims at exploring learners’ perceptions of the supervision process. The study uses the descriptive survey design to explore the perceptions of supervisees towards supervision process. The sample is made of 50 master students in the section of English Language at Ibn Khaldoun University of Tiaret, 25 of them are specialized in Didactics and 25 are specialized in Linguistics. The number of males and females respondents is also equal, 25 for each. A questionnaire is constructed to collect data; it is composed of 30 statements which are divided into three sections. The findings reveal that the supervisees perceive of supervision as a process on which the supervisor is responsible at all levels, they expect him to prescribe what do to, to be knowledgeable and to take full authority.


supervisees, perceptions, supervision process, supervisors

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Date of publication: 2022-12-28 14:59:54
Date of submission: 2022-05-15 16:45:37


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