The Polysemy of the Verb "wystarczyć"/"wystarczać" [to suffice] in Polish

Anna Bondaruk


This paper examines the syntax and semantics of the unaccusative verb wystarczać/wystarczyć ‘to suffice’ in Polish. We argue that this verb is polysemous. Besides its idiosyncratic meaning ‘to suffice’, it may also mean ‘to be enough’ or ‘to have enough’. The three above-mentioned meanings of the verb wystarczać/wystarczyć are associated with three different syntactic structures. The idiosyncratic meaning of this verb is found with the nominative argument. The second meaning of the verb surfaces in existential clauses with the genitive DP and an optional locative PP. The third - possessive meaning - arises when the verb appears with the dative possessor and the genitive theme.


polysemy; unaccusative verbs; existential structures; possessive construction; the Polish language


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Date of publication: 2023-07-19 13:54:03
Date of submission: 2023-04-11 13:20:47


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