Axiological dimensions of preschool teacher training in Ukraine

Anna Fedorovych


The axiological guidelines for the training of preschool education specialists are determined by modern requirements for preschool education, first and foremost, by the consolidation of separate values around the ideal – the concept of a preschool child. Being perceived and appropriated by a preschool teacher, they form professional value orientations and serve as an indicator of professional orientation, personal and professional development. It is the value orientations that determine the attitude of a person to the world, himself, his profession. Professional pedagogical education aims at formation of the future teacher’s value orientation. Its content is determined by pedagogical values of European higher education (quality, mobility, appeal, democracy, human-centeredness, tolerance, peacefulness, environmental security, human rights, solidarity, identity, multiculturalism, professionalism, civic consciousness) and humanistic values of the profession itself (spirituality, morality, love, respect, patience, freedom, compassion, justice, knowledge, competence, personal orientation, childcenteredness, etc.). It is important to turn the improvement of professional teacher training into an interdisciplinary quest pursued at the philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical, physiological, medical, methodological and other levels. Since the child is the core of pedagogical profession, the content of pedagogical education should include not only knowledge about the child, but also instructions on how to apply it. Of great significance are practical training, the use of person-oriented technologies, exposure of students to the environment, where the approaches, ideas, principles, methods and technologies underlying professional activities of future teachers are implemented.


pedagogical axiology, axiocentrism, pedagogical values, professional value orientations, pedagogical specialists’ training content, humanistic values of education

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Date of publication: 2019-04-19 10:35:55
Date of submission: 2017-10-16 07:22:42


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