Aesthetic upbringing of senior preschoolers

Iryna Palasevych


The essence of the aesthetic education of preschoolers, which involves the formation of the ability to perceive, feel, understand beauty in life and art; the desire to participate in the transformation of the surrounding world according to the laws of the beauty; the development of artistic-aesthetic competence (emotional-sensual, cognitive, practical, value-based, creative components) are discussed in this research. The content of aesthetic education of preschoolers, which means the formation of children’s aesthetic attitude to reality and aesthetic activity, as well as mastering of the aesthetic culture fundamentals, the development of aesthetic perception, aesthetic senses, ideas and judgments, aesthetic taste and so forth are analysed. Well-timed communication with works of various types of art, introduction of the child into the world of beauty and harmony is an important task of aesthetic education. Beauty is inseparable from kindness, it ennobles life, inspires to good deeds. An adult helps to find, feel and understand the beauty of poetry, music, and painting. Through art a child can understand more about everything in the surrounding world: nature, objects, work, spiritual heritage. The level of artistic-aesthetic development of a senior preschooler is manifested in a sense of satisfaction from the process and the results of creative artistic-aesthetic activities. This development is established by the art’s influence on the growth of the aesthetic culture level of the child’s personality, level of aesthetic qualities and abilities, aesthetic experience and aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world, the process and the results of child’s creativity.


aesthetic education; the content of aesthetic education; the task of aesthetic education; means of aesthetic education; artistic-aesthetic competence; senior preschoolers

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Date of publication: 2018-11-21 09:27:20
Date of submission: 2017-10-16 07:15:59


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