Axiological approach as a methodological basis of pedagogy and educational practice improvement

Nadiya Ashytok


Axiological dimension of educational practice has always been topical, but in the times of political, social and economic crisis in Ukraine, in the times of the depreciation of cultural traditions and search for values, shifting of axiological issues towards the centre of scientific reflection and teaching practice is taking place. This is due to many reasons. Decisive among them are the global trend in the change of the basic paradigm of education, its shift from a technocratic to humanitarian one, philosophical rethinking of value and ideological principles of educational practices, as well as of value and ideological content of the educational process; world trends of globalization with inherent intensive migration. Search for axiological bases updates harmonization of national values and values common to mankind in the education system. Understanding the causes of modern education axiologization makes it possible to determine the principal problems that need attention from the part of philosophical and pedagogical reflection, and to promote the reform of the education system taking into account the current requirements of social and personal development in their interconnection. Scientific knowledge, including pedagogical one, is carried out not only due to the desire to understand the truth, but also for the purpose of the implementation of social issues. Axiological approach provides the link between the educational practices and the knowledge of educational phenomena. For the time being, the idea of values approach is being associated with the implementing of humanistic education paradigm into practice, in the framework of which the main value is a human being.


axiological approach, education, humanistic educational paradigm, education axiologization

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Date of publication: 2018-11-21 09:27:20
Date of submission: 2017-10-16 06:29:29


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