Transgression of Teachers in Elementary Education

Wiga Bednarkowa, Marta Miłoń


Schools nowadays should pay particular attention to the child as a learner. Neverthe¬less teachers still follow traditional methods, thus making a child exercise their memory and fill it up with the content and values approved by adults. This kind of education is clearly outdated according to recent research. Certain methods of contemporary teaching such as lecturing or transcribing from the board are separated from cognitive and practical skills. Those elements determine learning with limited teaching and increase chances of success.

The results of the study presented here shall be used as a starting point for a new way of teaching, which is conducive in achieving emancipation and transgression. These methods serve personal human development as an individual person consciously socializes with others. The conclusions from the study indicate that the need for teaching should be based on the child’s activity in the three following areas: firstly – in the constructive dimension, when the children can talk openly about their experiences; secondly – in the socio-constructive dimension, when the children get to know about other human beings; and the last one – in the connective dimen¬sions, when they open up to cooperation with other people (specific for digital civilization).


preschool education, early childhood education, transgressions, behaviorism, hu¬manistic concept

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Date of publication: 2018-01-15 12:37:21
Date of submission: 2016-12-21 20:41:46


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