Education in natural science and technology classes

Wojciech Błażejewski


The aspect of nature has always been present in the general education canon. It has served as a tool for describing the Universe as well as the role and place of man – to satisfy the natural curiosity. Nowadays, natural and technical science are not only designed for giving pupils basic knowledge but also for educational purposes – developing certain attitude, internalizing values, interests, responsibility, and character traits. Only the selection of teaching methods, which enable pupils to actively engage in solving essential problems, undertake individual initiatives and studies, learn the value of work, and appreciate scientific achievements, can make their educational values fully revealed, understood and utilized. Getting to know the history of natural science and technology, and scientists’ and inventors’ biographies should cause deeper reflection on one’s role in multiplying and improving historical achievements of culture and civilization, and the importance of devotion, passion and persistence in achieving one’s purpose.


teaching biology and technology; project method; values; education

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Date of publication: 2015-09-25 09:11:55
Date of submission: 2015-09-03 10:34:22


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