Internet Without Barriers? Blind and Visually Impaired People on the Network

Mikołaj Olszewski


Introduction: The accessibility of websites for blind and visually impaired people results from international regulations (ONZ, 2006) and national regulations (Act, 2019a; Act, 2019b). People with visual disabilities are exposed to digital exclusion related to the lack of access to information resulting from the maladjustment of websites as well as limited access to appropriate software that facilitates the use of the Internet.

Research Aim: The aim of the research was to learn the opinions of blind and visually impaired people regarding changes in the accessibility of websites of public and private institutions, to determine the barriers in access to the content posted on websites and to determine the opportunities offered by the Internet for blind and visually impaired people.

Method: The diagnostic survey method and a tool – an original survey questionnaire were used. 102 blind and visually impaired people took part in the research. The Kruskal-Wallis H test as well as the Mann-Whitney U test were used in the statistical analysis.

Results: The obtained results prove that there are statistically significant differences: in the assessment of the accessibility of websites of public institutions, banking and financial institutions; in using a screen reader (paid, free); in the use of subsidies from PFRON funds for the purchase of equipment/software conditioned by the level of education, degree of disability, gender and place of residence of the surveyed people.

Conclusions: The accessibility of websites of public institutions has improved after the adoption of the Accessibility Act of 2019, partly also of private institutions. Blind and visually impaired people encounter financial and digital barriers related to access to the Internet, some of the respondents are exposed to digital exclusion, which makes it difficult to use the opportunities offered by the Internet.


blind people, visually impaired people, accessibility, barriers, Internet

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Date of publication: 2024-05-10 09:15:39
Date of submission: 2023-08-18 13:04:33


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