Choking Effect, Learning School Performance. What Role do Emotional and Motivational Processes Play?

Carmela Mento, Maria Catena Silvestri, Dominique Zanghi, Floriana Bitto, Abed Hadipour Lakmehsari, Francesco Pira


Introduction: In recent decades, the relationship between motivation and learning have attracted interest and attention among researchers with many studies examining the variables that characterize and influence them and their relationship.

Research Aim: The aim of this review is to analyze the role of motivation in learning as well as useful strategies to increase motivation to study.

Evidence-based Facts: This narrative review is based on a detailed analysis of the data collected from the empirical studies on the topic. The main theories on motivation to learn such as the theory of attribution and socio-cognitive theory that are centered on self-efficacy, expectation of results, and self-regulation are described and discussed focusing on the expectation of success and the value of the task. Particular importance has been given to the detection of learning motivation in relation to the suffocation effect as an important motivational construct in learning outcomes, being related to personality variables, emotional intelligence, and academic success. Finally, the strategic indicators for improving academic success are discussed.

Summary: This review highlights the importance of motivation to learn a task, that is associated with personality, emotional control, and emotional intelligence that helps the individual in determining useful study strategies which can lead to greater academic success.


Motivation, Learning, Choking Effect, Academic Success

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Date of publication: 2023-04-28 18:21:04
Date of submission: 2023-02-23 08:35:15


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