Words Forming Children’s Image of Contemporary World: a Case Study of Research Using Stefan Baley’s Alphabet Method

Kinga Kuszak


Introduction: The article presents a linguistic image of the modern world based on a study on children performed using Stefan Baley’s method. The article follows up with a discussion of the theses of the author’s own research. The article presents selected research results.

Research Aim: The research aims to understand better children’s and youth’s experiences using the abecadło method and to compare results with those published in 1947 by Stefan Baley’s research team.

Method: The research was proceeded by the abecadło method suggested by Stefan Baley and used by his research team in 1945 and 1947.

Results: The presented results respond to three elements: words-associations most commonly recalled by children (taking differences between younger and older groups into consideration); words-associations reflecting ongoing social-cultural changes (taking differences between younger and older groups into consideration); words considered as universal and independent from the political, cultural, social and economic context and separated from the age of researched groups.

Conclusion: The research show that present-day children’s experiences can be grouped and presented as four types of associations: 1) the first one is created by mass media and modern technology; 2) the second one is created by geographic names and connected with nature ones: animals, plants etc.; 3) the third one is created by words related to human and animal proper nouns; 4) the fourth one is created by universal words.

Keywords: linguistic image of the world, research on linguistic image of the world changes in linguistic image of the world, research using Stefan Baley’s alphabet method.


linguistic image of the world, research on linguistic image of the world changes in linguistic image of the world, research using Stefan Baley’s “alphabet” method

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lrp.2023.42.1.65-77
Date of publication: 2023-04-28 18:21:09
Date of submission: 2022-12-29 19:20:10


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