ICD-11 – Implications for Psycho-Pedagogical Research and Practice

Piotr Ignacy Majewicz


Introduction: In Poland, as in other countries belonging to the World Health Organization (WHO), work is underway to implement the latest classification of diseases and health problems ICD-11. It was formally introduced on January 1, 2022. It must replace the current ICD-10 classification within five years.

Research Aim: The aim of this study was to indicate the consequences of introducing the ICD-11 in the area of research and psychological and pedagogical practice. Moreover, an important goal was also to trace the implementation of the new classification in Poland. In addition, the most important changes introduced by the ICD-11 were reviewed in a horizontal approach, and so comparative with the ICD-10 and vertical, consisting in the identification of new items in the classification that do not fit into the current systematics.

Evidence-based Facts: Given the implications of the ICD-11 in psychology and pedagogy, Chapter 6 on mental, behavioral and neurodevelopmental disorders deserves special attention. A pedagogue and a psychologist who are part of various diagnostic and therapeutic teams, most often cooperate with a psychiatrist and a neurologist, and this implies the practical use of ICD-11. Knowledge of classification and the ability to efficiently retrieve information in the ICD appear to be a necessary skill for practitioners.

Conclusion: The process of implementing ICD-11 in our country will last at least until 2025 or even until 2026. During this period, the ICD-10 classification will still be used in medical practice, which implies its further presence also in psychological and pedagogical practice, as well as in scientific research using current diagnoses.


International Classification of Diseases; ICD-11; mental disorders; psychological and pedagogical practice; research; implementation of ICD-11 in Poland

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lrp.2023.42.1.123-139
Date of publication: 2023-04-28 18:21:16
Date of submission: 2022-10-25 11:59:37


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