Finding Adoptive/Foster Families for Children with Disabilities Using Social Media - the Voice of Professionals

Urszula Bartnikowska


Introduction: Creating families for children with disabilities is more difficult than for non-disabled children due to the smaller number of willing candidates for adoptive/ foster parents. This is being met by social media with information about children in need and candidates for adoptive/foster parents.

Research Aim: The aim of the research was to find out the reflections of professionals involved in the creation of adoptive and foster families towards spontaneous social activities using the Internet to find a family for a child with a disability.

Method: A qualitative approach was used. The research method was Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis - IPA. Data were obtained using an interview.

Results: The analysis of the interviews identified five main themes: the social situation of children with disabilities in Poland; selected standard elements of the procedure for creating adoptive and foster families; a critical assessment of the current situation; the activities of groups on social media in the search for adoptive/ foster families for a child with disabilities; the effects of the activities of such groups, including pros and cons of the situation.

Conclusion: Interviewees perceive opportunities created by social media, e.g. a faster flow of information regarding children in need and parent candidates, more decision-making for candidates, the possibility to get to know a specific child. Respondents also see some dangers arising from a process: greater likelihood of incorrect family selection for a child, the possibility of 'objectifying' the child and losing the idea of the 'child welfare', lack of precise legal regulations.


Child with disability, foster care, adoption, Internet, social media

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Date of publication: 2022-12-28 11:13:04
Date of submission: 2022-09-17 09:19:14


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