Human Biography as a "Chronicle of Crises". The Turning Points an Indyvidual Arrives at, and Education". THE TURNING POINTS AN INDIVIDUAL ARRIVES AT, AND EDUCATION

Renata Tomaszewska


Introduction: This review article deals with the selected psychosocial aspects of the category of “crisis”. It includes interdisciplinary, holistic reflections on human biography understood as a “chronicle of crises”.

Research Aim: The aim of the theoretical analyses carried out is to show selected psychosocial aspects of the category of “crisis” and of human biography as a “chronicle of crises”. This knowledge is needed both from the perspective of the educational preparation of the ones engaged in helping people in difficult situations, and from the perspective of preparing each individual, in the course of education, to experience crises and to master them in the course of life. In the context of the performed analyses, it was highlighted that it is particularly young people at the stage of education (generation Z, the glamour generation) who are exposed to the negative consequences of difficult situations.

Evidence-based Fact: In the course of the presented considerations, the theoretical and terminological conceptualisations of the category “crisis”, the properties and phases, their manifold types constituting the “chronicle”, the typology, the meaning of crises in the life of an individual, as well as sample assistance activities are presented. The subject of this review article, which is important cognitive-wise and contributes to the state-of-the-art knowledge of the field, is an introduction to future empirical studies, the results of which will be the basis for formulating conclusions which are significant for the pedagogic practice.

Summary: The presented considerations are important for pedagogy and the functions performed by education. The role of education in preparing for experiencing crises and shaping coping competences cannot be overestimated. Equipping with content related to the situations that trigger the crisis, the minimisation of their negative effects, possible assistance measures and, thus, the broadly understood psychosocial aspects of the crisis can support and enrich the psycho-emotional equipment for coping with difficult situations.


biography, crisis, turning point, education, generation Z, glamour generation

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Date of publication: 2022-12-07 21:18:53
Date of submission: 2022-08-25 10:43:44


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