Educational Participation of the Family in Shaping the Altruistic Motivation of Young People. Research Report

Patrycja Leśniak-Walczuk


Introduction: The problem of the educational participation of the family in the formation of altruistic motivation has a broad pedagogical context. The dissertation was written at the interface between family pedagogy and educational theory.

Research Aim: The main objective of the research was to find answers to the question of the relationship between family upbringing and the nature of motivation for altruism among high school youth. This article compares two groups of young people with different altruistic (endocentric and exocentric) motivations with regard to selected factors.

Method: In the empirical studies presented, a diagnostic survey method was used. The following tools were used to obtain detailed answers to the research questions asked: A-N questionnaire, Karyłowski’s KEEM questionnaire, RVS Milton Rokeach Value Scale version G adapted by Brzozowski and self-made survey.

Results: Analysis of the results of her own research revealed a correlation between selected factors of family upbringing and the type of motivation of young people towards altruism. It turned out that there are statistically significant differences in the value system depending on the endocentric or exocentric motivation. Detailed analyses have shown a statistically significant correlation between the adaptive function of the father’s upbringing and the endocentric motivation for altruism.

Conclusion: The research results obtained and the attempt to interpret them provide an opportunity to formulate suggestions to facilitate the education and motivation of altruistic young people, addressed to parents and teachers.


: altruistic motivations, family education, value system, function of education, models of parenthood

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Date of publication: 2022-12-07 21:19:07
Date of submission: 2022-07-12 16:05:13


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