Relations Between the National and EU Model of Career Counseling

Joanna Agnieszka Nawój-Połoczańska


Introduction: The obligation to provide vocational counseling in schools was introduced on September 1, 2017. In the Education Law Act, it was indicated as one of the forms of teaching and educational activity of schools. Research Aim: For the purposes of this text, selected documents, constituting the legal basis for the implementation of vocational counseling in Poland, in the education system, will be compared with the directives of the European Commission on the implementation of vocational counseling tasks in EU countries. Evidence-based Facts: The cited EC directives and guidelines are embedded in a broader context of global labor market trends and geopolitical conditions – they form a framework for the analyzes carried out, and at the same time indicate the directions of challenges for career counseling. In the face of a pandemic that has exacerbated existing social problems and created new ones, it is all the more urgent to redefine and update career counseling. Summary: The analysis showed incoherence of the content of national advisory regulations in relation to EU recommendations in the field of advisory. It revealed a lack of cooperation on transnational diagnostic activities that would create an opportunity to create a joint counseling model and to take other proactive measures in relation to the challenges of the world affected by the pandemic.


life long guidance, vocational guidance, youth, pandemic, youth, labour market

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Date of publication: 2021-11-23 10:35:53
Date of submission: 2021-03-27 08:45:55


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