Parents and school in the process of education of foster children – the division of responsibility from the perspective of parents. A research report

Urszula Bartnikowska, Katarzyna Ćwirynkało


Introduction: Children in a foster family have a difficult life situation. This is a challenge for both foster parents and teachers. Cooperation based on shared commitment and understanding gives the child a chance to gain positive life experiences. The acquired knowledge and skills can be a resource that will allow the child to change the (often negative) pattern of life of the biological family they come from.

Aim of the study: The aim of the study was understanding how foster parents perceive their cooperation with the school their children attend.

Method: The authors applied the interpretive paradigm, the phenomenography method in the study. To collect the data, focus interviews were conducted in three groups of foster parents. In total, 21 parents took part in the study.

Results: Foster parents notice the division of responsibility in the process of educating children brought up in their families. Their role is to select an institution, start cooperation, help the child learn and accompany rehabilitation, inform the school staff about the specificity of the child’s functioning, and be the advocate for the child. The role of the staff side, according to parents, is to implement the recommendations of specialists, cooperate with parents, set adequate requirements for the child, and present a friendly attitude towards the child and the foster family.

Conclusions: Based on the research results, guidelines for the good cooperation of foster parents with the school were formulated. It is important for teachers to understand the specific situation of not only the child (their life experiences, developmental disorders), but also the foster parent, as well as appreciate their commitment to the child. It would be important to create a support system.


education, foster children, foster parents’ role, responsibility, teachers’ role

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Date of publication: 2021-07-08 10:34:06
Date of submission: 2021-03-09 19:59:08


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