Emotional conditioning of the consumer behavior

Izabella Maria Łukasik, Anna Witek


One of the reasons, why emotions occupy an important place in our life is their relationship with the cognition and behavior. Feeling gone through affects the perception and expectations leading to reaction appropriate in a given situation. It has been checked to what extend the willingness of the purchasing, making use of services correcting the beauty or participating in cultural events can be the result of surviving positive or negative emotions. Material and the method: Three groups of pedagogy students (fifteen students in each group) were implemented into the experimental situation. Tests GSES and CECS were made before the experiment. The subject of the research was consumer behaviour as included in the specially designed questionnaire form. The results do not clearly indicate that hedonic shopping can be the means to improve or maintain the mood. It has been found in the group of the tested students that experiencing negative emotions tends to looking for a safe place such as home or darkened cinema hall. This type of place helps to take the mind off the problem and concentrate on film plot or music.


consumer regulation of emotions; sense of self‑ efficiency; control of emotions; hedonic shopping

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lrp.2013.32.0.295
Date of publication: 2015-07-09 01:50:25
Date of submission: 2015-07-09 00:35:46


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