Social Mobilizations, Revolutions and Counter-revolutions in the Web 3.0 Environment

Kamil Filipek


Technological innovations in the field of social communications shape contemporary processes in politics, economy, culture, warfare etc. Fate of many individuals, groups and even whole societies depends on pace, level, frequency and the ability to adopt the variable information and communication technology. ICT development became an important factor contributing to modern social mobilizations, rebellions, revolutions, domestic or external conflicts. The aim of the article is to analyze a complex relation between ICT evolution and social (both individual and group) rank-and-file ability to mobilize and organize. In other words, it is necessary to identify the socio-technological processes shaping Internet 3.0 (Web 3.0), then to link up those processes with the contemporary virtual and real revolutions and counterrevolutions.


social mobilization; twitter revolution; Web 3.0; Internet counter-revolution

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Date of publication: 2020-11-11 01:48:58
Date of submission: 2020-11-11 01:06:10


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