Normative Basis for the Reintegration of the Family Environment of a Person Addicted to Alcohol in Enforcement Proceedings

Daniel Jakimiec


A person who abuses alcohol in a destructive way provides the remaining family members with many practical, financial and emotional problems. In this way the problem with the alcohol addiction is having an influence on the entire family. Due to the addiction of one of them, all the other family members are giving up their desires, aspirations, deliberate objectives, and, therefore, their own self-realization. All these persons are becoming in a specific way co-dependent on the conduct of the alcoholic. Co-addiction has both an emotional and social dimension, as it is a starting point for all attitudes and behaviors of family members.The family becomes dysfunctional in this way, and the relationships that prevail in it negatively affect the personality of both adult family members and the minor children growing up in it. In consequence of this situation, the public authorities in accordance with the Art. 71 sec. 1 and 2 and Art. 72 sec. 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland are obliged to provide the family with the adequate assistance. The aforementioned regulations contained in the Constitution, which is the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, are clarified in lower-level legal acts, thus determining a further scope of duties of the guardianship court and aid institutions cooperating with it during the enforcement proceedings.Addiction of one of the family members to alcohol, in accordance with the intention of the legislator expressed in the text of Art. 569 § 2 Code of Civil Procedure, in particular the Art. 23 sec. 1 and sec. 2 PAU and Art. 100 § 1 Family and Guardianship Code, appoints the plain of duties of the guardianship court that is eliminating negative results of alcohol addiction as a problem affecting the spouse and children of the addicted person. 


family; parent; spouse; child; dysfunction; alcohol addiction

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Date of publication: 2020-07-03 01:39:53
Date of submission: 2020-06-28 12:56:03


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