Personal Resources and Flexibility in Coping with Stress in Cardiac Patients

Katarzyna Góralska, Małgorzata Anna Basińska


The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between personal resources (hope for success and spiritual well-being) and flexibility in coping with stress in cardiac patients and to check whether personal resources and duration of the disease are predictors of flexibility in coping with stress in this group. The participants of the study were 120 cardiac patients (72 men and 48 women) aged 29–75. The study used the Questionnaire of Hope for Success (KNS), the Indicator of Spiritual Well-Being and the Questionnaire of flexibility in coping with stress (KERS-14). The results show that there is a statistically significant relationship between personal resources and flexibility in coping. Each of the personal resources (hope for success and spiritual well-being) positively correlates with each of the dimensions of flexible coping. The analysis showed that personal resources play a predictive role for flexibility in coping with stress.


personal resources; hope; spiritual well-being; flexibility in coping; cardiac patients

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Date of publication: 2020-06-29 17:49:00
Date of submission: 2019-08-06 11:20:10


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