Child and childhood in the context of child science

Anna Fedorovych


The article deals with the notions of “child” and “childhood”. Attention is paid to the importance of research into the biological, spiritual and social nature of child, and to the dependence of its development upon the influence of “adult culture”, children’s subculture and personal efforts. The paper emphasizes the need for a comprehensive study of the problems of the child and childhood in terms of age, history, culture. In the context of child science, the child should be considered as an individual, individuality, personality, subject of activity. The article draws attention to the need to introduce the discipline “child studies” into pedagogical specialties.


child; childhood; knowledge about the child; child science; directions of child and childhood research

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Date of publication: 2019-09-25 12:08:17
Date of submission: 2018-09-16 23:18:39


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