Higher Education Digitalization in the Context of Globalization Changes

Liubov Mykolaivna Prokopiv, Viktoriia Volodymyrivna Stynska


The article deals with the issue of digitalisation in the educational systems of the world and Ukraine. Based on the SWOT analysis, the authors identify the advantages and disadvantages of digitalisation of the Ukrainian educational system.

The main areas of digitalisation include the introduction of immersive, cloud, Internet technologies, online courses, gamification of education, and development of digital libraries.  Among the benefits of digitalisation are the following: digitalisation stimulates the senses of sight and hearing; interactive learning improves the quality of education; improves the ability to work with learning materials; presentational e-contents are convenient; ensures the quality of educational services in the context of lockdown or military conflicts.

The authors have found that the most common types of digital education are webinars, individual online consultations, work on online platforms, and self-study of educational content. Among the strengths of digitalisation, the authors identify constant systematic work, training of specialists who are competitive in the labour market, openness and presentability, modernisation of technical support, creation of a single information space, etc.

Among the disadvantages of digitalisation are: limited communication, low activity in the classroom, loss of motivation, loss of progress due to insufficient digital competencies, not always high-quality networking, not always qualitative networking, and not always qualitative networking.




Key words: digitalisation of education, digital learning, education student, SWOT-analysis.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/j.2023.36.3.7-18
Date of publication: 2023-12-08 14:38:26
Date of submission: 2023-08-19 21:51:06


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