Assessment of the Financial and Investment Components of Industrial Potential

Oleh Kuzmin, Natalia Stanasiuk


Theoretical background: The need for national industrial revival requires the assessment process of the financial and investment components of industrial potential, since such process allows for the development of a further strategy of industrial development of the country, taking into account the available opportunities as well as implementing effective government controls aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the national economy.

Purpose of the article: The development of a methodological foundation for a complex economic assessment of financial and investment components of industrial potential.

Research methods: A comparative analysis was used to study methodological approaches to the economic assessment of potential, laying the groundwork for conceptual foundations of a comprehensive economic evaluation of the financial and investment components. The types of analysis used were: a system analysis – to set the system of assessment indices and indicators of financial and investment components of industrial potential; an integral assessment analysis – to determine the integral levels of the potential development for certain types of industrial activity based on standardisation of indicators reflecting the development of financial and investment components; a statistical analysis – to identify changes in the development level of the financial and investment components of potential for certain types of industrial activity; and an abstract-logical analysis to draw conclusions and formulate theoretical generalisation of the obtained results.

Main findings: Our research collected the experiences of former scientists and developed methodological bases in order to study industrial potential as a complex economic category, the development of which is conditioned by the development level of its financial and investment components. The authors’ approach to a comprehensive economic assessment of the financial and investment components of industrial potential is based on the identification of both input and output indicators. Such allocations allowed the determining of the reproductive potential of the financial and investment components as a potential opportunity to attract relevant resources, as well as implemented potential, which characterises the effectiveness of their use (the opportunity used). Next, the input indicators were further split into general indicators – which are characterised by quantitative parameters of the scope of the resources, and reflect the involvement scale – and partial indicators, which reflect the qualitative resources characteristics. The proposed integrated indicators of the development levels of financial and investment components have a complex hierarchical structure. For example, the first level generates a set of indicators that provide for a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the development state, the second level determines the integral indices in terms of individual types of indicators, while the third level is based on the potential type (reproductive and implemented). A modified Harrington’s scale was proposed to draw a conclusion on the development level achieved for the financial and investment components of industrial potential. Research was conducted using the methodology proposed, on the development levels of financial and investment components of potential for various types of industrial activity. The results showed the existence of a high level of both reproductive and implemented potential in the production of computers, electronics and optical devices, and basic pharmaceutical products, which demonstrates the technological progress in the structural industrial potential transformation. The proposed methodological approach will allow for the definition of a “critical area” in the financial and investment components development necessary for the adoption of appropriate management decisions with regard to adjusting industrial potential development strategies.


industrial potential; financial and investment component; economic evaluation; indicators; development level

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Date of publication: 2020-04-20 11:40:20
Date of submission: 2019-05-23 20:15:34


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