The European Single Market as the base and driving force of European integration

Irena Pietrzyk


The European Single Market is a key factor in the process of European integration. Rudiments of its construction have been created by three founding treaties, but the most important was the Treaty of Rome (1957), establishing the European Economic Community (EEC). That treaty introduced the concept of the common market. Its construction was completed in accordance with the Single European Act adopted 30 years later. This treaty introduced the concept of the internal market, but in fact it contributed to spreading of the term single market, wrongly derived from the title of the treaty. Although the SEA imposed a deadline for the creation of the great European market at the end of 1992, it still remains unfinished. The article presents the genesis and subsequent stages of the European Single Market creation and indicates its importance for the economic growth acceleration, as well as the problems that hinder the completion of the European Single Market.


the European Single Market, European integration, EU

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Date of publication: 2015-07-28 13:12:33
Date of submission: 2015-07-03 15:12:49


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