Multichannel selling – the key to success in retail

Mirosława Pluta-Olearnik, Robert Jadach


Theoretical background: The rapid technological development of the past decade has exerted a major influence on consumer behaviours and created new ways of reaching customers. The contemporary consumer freely switches between brick-and-mortar, online and mobile sales channels, expecting that a product will be available any time, any place. Such behaviours pose a serious challenge to retail enterprises, in particular in the context of integrating offlne and online sales channels.

Purpose of the article: This paper aims to determine the extent to which contemporary enterprises need to implement multichannel strategies to ensure access to goods and services in order to satisfy the increasing expectations of purchasers and gain advantage in the highly competitive market. A broader thread of the discussions concerns the transformation of the so-called business models taking place in the present retail sector in Poland and across the globe.

Research methods: The problem discussed in this paper required a review of the relevant international literature at the initial stage in order to determine the results of theoretical and empirical research on the development of multichannel selling in the retail market in light of changing consumer purchasing preferences. The following available bases were used: ScienceDirect, Taylor & Francis Online, Emerald and SAGE Journals, as well as online research of market reports and statistical studies, which contributed to the analysis of the transformations occurring in the retail sector.

Main findings: This paper indicates two major marketing consequences for the enterprises applying multiple channels in gaining access to goods and services. In order to rise to market challenges, retail enterprises must not only employ the multichannel selling strategy but also ensure its integrity. In the face of such challenges, a new approach in creating unique values and solutions in the areas of logistics, distribution, promotion and pricing policy is required. Online sale channels pose a challenge to retail enterprises, in particular as regards delivering identical experiences and a consistent offer to the consumer.


multichannel selling; integration of sales channels; retail; multichannel marketing; e-commerce

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Date of publication: 2019-10-14 10:02:08
Date of submission: 2019-01-31 21:50:05


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