Risk Culture in the Polish Banking Sector vs. Global Tendencies

Stanisław Kasiewicz, Lech Kurkliński


The article is dedicated to the role of risk culture in the management of banking institutions. Selected research results (generally few) and the attitude of supervisory authorities to this issue are presented both in relation to the international and national (Polish) scale. The authors hypothesize that the diagnosis of risk culture in the banking sector significantly supports the recognition of key problems of risk management, and subsequently (after taking appropriate actions) contributes its effectiveness and efficiency. Paying attention to the risk culture issues may also have an impact on improving the quality of banking sector regulation.


risk culture; banking sector; Poland

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/h.2018.52.3.39-50
Date of publication: 2018-11-07 08:13:24
Date of submission: 2018-05-14 14:37:40


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