Financial Gifts as Family Transfers in the Light of Own Research Results

Małgorzata Solarz


The article presents the following research hypothesis: A young generation of adult children of Poles is a net beneficiary of family financial transfers of a non-returnable nature. The article purposes are as follows: analyzing the scale, frequency, and directions of transferring and receiving financial gifts by akin households. The applied research methods included: critical analysis of the subject literature, simple statistical methods, method of a diagnostic survey. The survey studies, conducted in 2018, have shown that 39.9% of Poles provided financial support to their relatives in the last 6 months, while a smaller percentage (28.6%) of respondents declared that in the same period received a monetary donation from the family. Population under the age of 24 represents the only age group which receives more financial support than actually provides. Private financial transfers are predominantly of an intergenerational nature, as the majority of transfers occur between parents and adult children.


gift; personal finance; private financial transfers; household behavior

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Date of publication: 2018-11-07 08:13:32
Date of submission: 2018-05-07 10:18:14


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