The Role of the Self-Financing Investments in Relation to Assets Productivity in Food Processing Companies

Magdalena Mądra-Sawicka


The aim of the survey is to present a relation between financial surplus and productivity in food processing companies. Furthermore, described relation was referred to the scale of investment. The research period was 2010–2014. The enterprises were divided according to the PKD section 10 and 11. In research population, the level of financial surplus was higher than the scale of investment expenditures. The financial surplus contained a higher share from retained earnings. Both the level of the assets productivity and the relation of capital expenditures to total assets varied among classes of the PKD. The level of self-financing was not a decisive variable that explained fully the investigated dependence in the considered period. The study population was dominated by a group of companies, which were characterized by an average with more than 80% higher financial surplus to the value of all investment expenditures and lower level of the assets productivity compared to other classes of the PKD.


internal financing; food processing companies; assets productivity; net financial surplus

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Date of publication: 2018-02-27 16:38:07
Date of submission: 2017-07-14 17:33:21


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