Empowerment in modern organizations - determinants and benefits

Paweł Wójcik


The objective of the paper is to present empowerment from various perspectives, indicate its determinants and applications in modern organizations. The paper is theoretical and informational in character. Empowerment revolving around the inclusion of employees into decision-making and development of their tangible influence upon the organization’s operations constitutes an answer to needs of modern enterprises. The paper reviews definitions of empowerment, describes its elements from the point of view of employees and companies, and presents benefits and costs of empowerment incurred by the organization. A review of studies pertaining to the impact of empowerment upon organizations was also conducted.


empowerment; employees’ efficiency; human resources management; decision-making process

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/h.2017.51.3.161
Date of publication: 2017-11-19 20:59:29
Date of submission: 2017-06-12 14:52:11


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