Innovativeness of Poland in the Assessment of the European Union and from Regional Perspective

Urszula Wich


The aim of this paper is to assess the level and changes in the innovativeness of Poland against the background of EU countries, considering the role of regions in that process. The statistical analyses of reports prepared by the European Commission were performed. These reports were devoted to the innovativeness of Poland and other EU countries. The taxonomic method was applied for determining the level of innovativeness and economy in the regions of Poland. The time basis of our divagations corresponds to the programming period of 2007/2013, being in force in the European Union. The study results confirmed the assumed research theses suggesting low level of innovativeness in Poland, dependence upon external factors, weak role of enterprising, repeating foreign patterns in the regions, loosening the connections between innovative and economic development of the regions. In conclusion, there is the need for changes in innovative policy.


innovativeness; enterprising; regional competitiveness

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Date of publication: 2017-05-04 19:08:13
Date of submission: 2016-10-04 19:22:09


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