Economic Activity and the Correlation between Taxes and the General Government Sector Debt

Wiesława Ziółkowska


Correlation differences between taxes (X) and tax receipts increased by social insurance contributions (X’) and general government sector debt (Y’) in the European Union member states have been studied at two different phases of economic development. The intensity of interdependence and the relationships between the variables analysed under different circumstances existing in individual countries turned out to be very varied. In all analyses conducted, a positive correlation coefficient was predominant. This means that the higher the tax burden the lower the tax base, lower public revenues and a higher deficit. At the same time, the lower the tax burden, the lower the deficit and debt. The results obtained in the course of the analyses performed must be interpreted with caution since the categories used in the analyses are subject to a variety of conditions. However, the results of a statistical study and a descriptive analysis allow us to conclude that the objective of the research has been achieved. Studies on its verification though must continue. 


taxes; balance; general government sector debt; correlation; Pearson coefficient

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Date of publication: 2016-04-03 14:40:11
Date of submission: 2015-08-17 17:29:04


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