Exploring Cashew Nuts Consumption in Poland. Prospects for Tanzania

Aleksandra Kowalska, Gregory Emvalomatis, Ashura Salim


Theoretical background: Consumers often rely on the perceived country-of-origin image as an indication of food safety and quality. The consumption of cashew nuts in Poland and other European countries has increased strongly in recent years due to socio-economic factors influencing consumers’ dietary behaviour. This is a chance for Tanzania – a key global producer and exporter of cashew nut kernels – to increase its revenues from the agri-food sector.

Purpose of the article: The aim of this study is to explore cashew nuts consumption in Poland and consumer perceptions regarding nuts of African origin.

Research methods: Empirical research was conducted using a web-based survey questionnaire among consumers originated from Europe, Africa and other continents, and residing in Poland (n = 244). The ordered Probit model was used to examine the impact of socioeconomic/demographic characteristics on the perception of quality/safety of nuts produced in Africa.

Main findings: Most respondents recognize the health benefits of nuts. The vast majority of consumers surveyed perceive the quality and safety of nuts of African origin as average or above average. These products are rated more highly in terms of quality by representatives of Generation Z compared to Millennials which represents a potential for development of the market. High prices prevent every other consumer surveyed from buying cashew nuts. The development of cashew nut processing in Africa could contribute to the decrease in the prices in the importing countries and to further sustainable economic growth in producer countries, including Tanzania. If consumers in developed-countries appreciate the health benefits of cashew nuts and trust the quality and safety of nuts produced in Africa, efforts should be made to speed commodity-based industrialization in cashew-growing countries.


cashew nuts; consumer perceptions; food quality and safety; sustainable and healthy diet; agri-food sector

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/h.2024.58.2.211-229
Date of publication: 2024-07-05 15:45:06
Date of submission: 2024-03-26 09:14:57


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