The Usable Quality of Information as an Element of the Humanization of Work in the Development of Modern Organizations

Małgorzata Sławińska, Kamil Wróbel, Daria Walkowiak


Theoretical background: In the article, the authors discuss research on aspects of the human centric approach to the process of implementing IT devices due to the specificity of human resources. The authors emphasize the importance of the dynamic development of modern information technologies (IT), which is of fundamental importance for the sustainable development of enterprises. The authors indicate the possibility of integrating various company resources, and above all, the phenomenon of creating an environment for the increase in the importance of human resources in the process of business digitization. A special place in this process is occupied by IT, which activate the employee through various forms. The authors present research that captures the above aspect in terms of the systemic assessment of the usability of interaction and communication processes. The scope of the work concerns communication with the use of IT devices used in the implementation of the goal-oriented tasks. The authors identified factors contributing to the development of job humanization through the flexible improvement of IT devices in a task related context.

Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to present the findings of a study on the impact of usability on the development of the phenomenon of job humanization among positional employees involved in the manufacturing process. Additionally, it discusses the results of in-depth research seeking to answer the question: Do multifunctional information devices, not dedicated to the profile of professional activities, hinder the employee’s work? If not, what are the consequences for job humanization?

Research methods: The objective of the study was achieved through the use of structured interview methodology. Subsequently, in-depth research was conducted.

Main findings: The results obtained indicate a relationship between the usability of information technology devices and the frequency of their use in the workplace. The outcomes of relational interviews highlight the significant importance of sophisticated, multifunctional information tools that enhance employee engagement and their interest in implementing forms of job humanization, such as job enrichment and enlargement, autonomous groups, and flexible work methods. The main conclusion drawn from the research is that high usability quality of information technology devices forms the basis for the organizational improvement process. This occurs bottom-up, through the personal engagement of employees and their openness to multifunctional, intuitive information tools. For organizations, these are favorable conditions for implementing various forms of organizational humanization. However, a question arises about the limits of this phenomenon due to the limited psychophysical capabilities of humans. This topic will be further developed in the subsequent planned research.


usability of information; operator; information technologies devices; sustainable development of enterprises; humanization of work

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Date of publication: 2024-07-12 06:50:11
Date of submission: 2024-03-19 11:49:34


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