Substitutability and complementarity of physical and virtual purchase channels

Radosław Mącik


This article explores effects of substitutability and complementarity of physical and virtual channels in the purchasing process, analyzed from the point of view of the consumer. Presented data has been collected through CAWI survey with quota sample (n= 1,701 internet users in Poland) as part of the habilitation grant No. N N112 375540.
Consumers, especially younger ones, are commonly involved in multi-channel buying processes. This involvement is an expression of not only recognizing the substitutability of physical and virtual channels, but also treating those channels as complementary at the stage of searching for information. The frequent occurrence among consumers of ROPO and reverse ROPO effects, indicates their tendency to rationalize spending, paying attention also to time spent, effort and potential post-purchase troubles. By changing the channel during the purchase process, the consumer chooses a cheaper and/or more convenient option, accepting the possible risks associated with the purchase.


physical channel, virtual channel, substitution, complementarity, consumer behaviour

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Date of publication: 2015-08-07 12:11:31
Date of submission: 2015-08-06 12:07:43


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