Communes’ Expenditure on Municipal Waste Management in Terms of Sustainable Development

Magdalena Jarczok-Guzy


Theoretical background: As we work towards achieving sustainable development under Goal 12, which entails promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns, one of our key tasks is to minimize waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reusing. Local government units (LGUs) have a significant role to play in implementing this task. By investing in municipal waste management, LGUs can influence the behavior of residents toward responsible waste collection and management, including hazardous waste.

Purpose of the article: This article aims to evaluate how local government spending affects municipal waste management in different voivodeships. The hypothesis of this paper is that local government expenditure improve waste management effects. To achieve effective spending that supports sustainable development, public authorities at the regional level must coordinate their activities and adapt to EU standards.

Research methods: This article used literature and statistical analysis to adopt dynamics indicators and correlation coefficients. Data on selected variables for the study came from the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office and Eurostat.

Main findings: According to the analyses conducted, there has been a positive development in municipal waste management in Polish communes. This suggests that the government’s policies are contributing towards achieving the sustainable development goal of responsible and sustainable waste management, especially when it comes to hazardous waste. These findings could be utilized to recommend to public authorities the necessary changes to fiscal instruments that would promote sustainable public finances.


municipal waste; municipal waste management; local government expenditure

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Date of submission: 2023-06-29 17:27:56


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