Influence of Pay Satisfaction and Mentoring on Job-Related Attitudes among Local Government Employees across Osun State

Zaccheaus Olufunminiyi Olonade, Bolatito O. Alabi


Theoretical background: Job-related attitudes are crucial to employee performance and overall effectiveness in any organisation. Pay satisfaction and mentoring are key determinants of employees’ job-related attitudes.

Purpose of the article: This study explored the impact of pay satisfaction and mentoring on job-related attitudes among local government employees in Osun State. The article aimed to evaluate the independent relationships between these factors and their combined effect on job-related attitudes which include cooperation, self-confidence, maturity, job security, and perceived fairness.

Research methods: A multi-stage sampling procedure was employed to ensure a diverse and representative sample of local government employees across various departments and hierarchical levels within the organisation. Questionnaires were distributed to the selected sample, capturing information on pay satisfaction, mentoring experiences, and job-related attitudes such as job satisfaction. Collected data were processed and analysed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistical techniques, and multiple regression analysis was used to analyse the formulated hypothesis.

Main findings: Pay satisfaction was found to have a significant influence on job-related attitudes. Employees who reported higher levels of pay satisfaction demonstrated more positive job-related attitudes. Mentoring significantly impacted employees’ cooperation with colleagues and superiors at work. Effective mentoring programs were associated with better cooperation and teamwork among employees. The combined effect of pay satisfaction and mentoring on job-related attitudes was also observed. Employees who experienced high pay satisfaction and effective mentoring demonstrated more positive job-related attitudes than those without.

Implications of the findings: These findings highlight the importance of prioritising and improving pay satisfaction and mentoring programs in local government agencies, as they significantly contribute to fostering positive job-related attitudes and, ultimately, enhancing overall employee performance.


pay satisfaction; mentoring; job-related attitudes; employee; local government

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Date of publication: 2024-04-06 14:54:09
Date of submission: 2023-03-23 23:34:31


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