The Attitude to Financial Education in the Area of Personal Finance Management and the Level of Transactional Financial Exclusion of the Unemployed in the Light of Own Research

Anna Nowacka


Theoretical background: The attitude to financial education in the area of personal finance management can be determined by many factors, i.a. the socio-demographic ones and the degree of transactional financial exclusion. The phenomenon of is related to the degree of banking.

Purpose of the article: Examination of the relationship between the attitude of the unemployed to the financial education in the area of personal finance management and different levels of transactional financial exclusion. The study focuses on one of the segments of financial exclusion, i.e. banking financial exclusion in the area of access to payment transactions, measured by the level of banking.

Research methods: The analysis of the attitude to financial education in the area of personal finance management as well as the levels of transactional financial exclusion was based on the own research and review of the literature on the subject. The data obtained as a result of the study with the use of a questionnaire on the 350 unemployed people registered at the Municipal Employment Office in Płock were used to verify three research hypotheses.

Main findings: The obtained results of the analysis indicate a relationship between the attitude to financial education in the area of personal finance management and selected socio-demographic characteristics of the unemployed (age, education and the period of registration with the employment office) and three levels of banking. However, no statistically significant dependence was found between the subjective assessment of financial skills in the area of personal finance management and the degree of transactional financial exclusion. Taking into account the results of the analysis, it seems essential to undertake educational initiatives among the unemployed aimed at limiting the degree of transactional financial exclusion.


financial education; personal finance management; transactional financial exclusion; unemployed

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Date of publication: 2020-12-29 19:35:01
Date of submission: 2020-09-30 19:04:43


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