Causes socioculturelles et personnelles de l’anxiété langagière

Sylwia Kalińska-Łuszczyńska


What causes language anxiety is a central question of this paper and is of interest to all language teachers and learners, as well as SLA scholars who are interested in anxiety and learning. The fact that language anxiety is a psychological construct, most likely stems from the learner’s own ‘self’, i.e., as an intrinsic motivator, e.g., his or her self perceptions, perceptions about others (peers, teachers, interlocutors, etc.) and target language communication situations, etc. Language anxiety may also be experienced due to linguistic difficulties L2/FL learners face in learning and using the target language. Within social contexts, language anxiety may be experienced due to extrinsic motivators, such as different social and cultural environments, particularly the environments where L1 and L2/FL learning takes place. Social status of the speaker and the interlocutor, a sense of power relations between them, and gender could also be important factors in causing language anxiety for L2/FL speakers.


language anxiety; learning; foreign language; causes; culture; personality

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Date of publication: 2016-12-13 11:15:41
Date of submission: 2016-05-23 10:43:55


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