Multimodality of communication from the philogenetic perspective

Ewa Boksa



In this survey article, the author refers to the work of Stephen Levinson and Judith Holler, Sławomir Wacewicz and Piotr Żywiczyński, Michael Tomasello, Giacomo Rizolatti, Michael Arbib, and Marcel Jousse, in order to address the question how in the course of linguistic philogenesis humans and their ancestors developed intentional behaviour. The major points discussed can be formulated as follows: (1) Human language developed against the background of signalling systems, gestural and auditory; (2) There is disagreement as to whether gesture was prior to vocal communication or whether the two developed in parallel fashion; (3) Changes in the behaviour and the biological-neurological aspect of human communication are the key to formulating the theory of mind as the origin of social communication; (4) Considerations of language origin also sheds light on the role of language in interaction and culture.


philogenesis of language; gesture; linguistic interaction; linguistic worldview

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Date of publication: 2019-10-11 20:09:48
Date of submission: 2017-12-04 20:36:37


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