Aesthetotherapeutic Ways of the Formation of the Worldview Culture in Future Primary School Teachers

Yuliia Kulimova


The article deals with the problem of the formation of the worldview culture of the carriers of Good, Beauty and Truth, namely primary school teachers. According to the author, the elementary school teacher is the first professional person, who has an opportunity to provide the younger generation with the knowledge about the contemporary picture of the world, shaping their readiness for changes and effective solution of different life situations. The problem of forming the worldview culture of future educators has been the subject of researches conducted by a number of scholars in different scientific fields. Most educators defined this term as the content of the views and beliefs of an individual, his or her social attitudes and moral principles of behavior. In the article the role of innovative psychological-pedagogical and spiritual-therapeutic educational practice – aesthetotherapy, which allows opening a person’s interests and aspirations to ideals in their worldview value – has been actualized. The author covers the experience of aesthetotherapeutic preparation of future elementary school teachers in the context of forming a worldview culture. Such professional education is carried out in the form of working out a number of professionally-oriented games and exercises, in particular: art-technique (“Self-portrait”), phototherapeutic exercise (“Way of life” and “Working with polarities”), “Creating a fairy tale” technique, methods of derephlexia, etc.

Ключевые слова

aesthetotherapy; culture; elementary school; personality; worldview; worldview culture

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Date of publication: 2020-12-31 10:42:16
Date of submission: 2019-10-08 12:20:20


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