Some Look at the Formation of the System of Personal Values in Kindergarten through the Prism of the Axiological Approach – Theoretical Aspect of the Problem

Vadym Kobylchenko


The problem of the formation of values and value relationships of a child in preschool age is an important psychological and pedagogical goal. Values are considered as guidelines necessary for a person as a separate “coordinate system” for a concrete assessment of events, one’s own actions, and various aspects of reality. They are the main components of the personality structure, as well as culturally-shaped regulators of behavior and activity. Preschool age is an important stage in the formation and development of personality. This is a period of active knowledge of oneself and the world, the development of basic values, norms of behavior and relationships. Value relationships are considered as a component of the content of education, as a component of the holistic worldview of an individual. Today, it is axiology that serves as the methodological basis for the development of the theory and practice of personality value relations, since it is a doctrine of the nature of values, their place in reality, and the structure of the value world.


personality value system; preschool age; axiological approach


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Date of publication: 2020-12-31 10:42:19
Date of submission: 2019-04-29 18:31:22


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