The “I–the Other” (“I–the Other Self”) Relation in the Deliberated Communicative Activity Genesis

Iryna Omelchenko


The article theoretically substantiates the phenomenology of the “I–the Other” (“I–the Other Self”) relation during formation of deliberated communicative activities. The theoretical and methodological approaches to interpret the communicative “I–the Other” relation as well as transformational potential of the Other for the deliberated communication genesis are defined. The article theoretically proves that any object of a person’s external or internal activities (another personified or impersonal person, an imaginary partner, the cultural Other) can become the Other in human interactions according to the inter-subjective psychological paradigm. The article reveals that this relation evolves into a more complex relationship during the said interactions and mutual penetration of I and objects: “I (the Other)–the Other (I)” and “I (the Other in me)–I (I in the Other)”. Moreover, the Other/Others are positioned not only as an ontological reality, but as epistemological and axiological determinacy.


I; the Other; relation; consciousness; deliberated communicative activities; inter-subject; intra-subject; para-social communicative activities; reflection

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Date of publication: 2018-01-24 20:29:28
Date of submission: 2017-04-25 22:16:12


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