International Affairs in the National Party’s Political Thought (1928–1939)

Aneta Dawidowicz


Issues related to the international policy of the Polish State generated interest among the leading members of the National Party, including especially Roman Dmowski, Jędrzej Giertych, Stanisław Kozicki, Joachim Bartoszewicz, Zygmunt Berezowski, Jerzy Drobnik and Zygmunt Wojciechowski. Roman Dmowski, generally viewed as a talented authority in the field of international policies, held a prominent position among the specialists dealing with international affairs. It is worth noting that, back in 1923, Dmowski held the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs in Wincenty Witos’s Gov ernment. A significant role among international policy experts was also assigned to Stanisław Kozicki, who devoted much attentione specially to the European international relations, and to Polish-German relations. By the end of the 1930s numerous older-generation representatives of the National Party sought common ground with central anti-Sanation groupings, which brought them closer to Front Morges and Gen. Władysław Sikorski. This group was led by Marian Seyda, who was an extremely influential member of the Poznań-based National Democracy circles, and Prof. Roman Rybarski. Another group of activists which, according to its leader, Jędrzej Giertych, was the youngest was characterised by ideological radicalism and aversion to anyalliances, either with the democratic opposition or with the Sanation camp.


the National Party, political thought, nationalism

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Archive materials

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Date of publication: 2019-06-27 07:23:33
Date of submission: 2019-06-26 11:12:21


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