Journalistic Discourse of Freedom of Speech in Ukrainian Media

Natalia Zhelikhovska


The article studies the dynamics of the freedom of speech change in Ukraine in the past two decades. The author analyzes the main semantic accents of the concept «the freedom of speech» in the context of contemporary public discourse, where journalistic texts serve primarily educational function. The freedom of the press is viewed by publicists as political, legal and ethical value; the freedom of expression is the vital principle of public life and fundamental category of social consciousness. Publications emphasize the importance of distinguishing between the freedom of expression and total permissiveness and stress upon the social responsibility of journalists whose professional duty is to take responsibility for the accuracy of their work.


freedom of speech, concept, social responsibility, publicism, manipulative technology

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On the Peculiarities of National Editing, see:

Date of publication: 2019-02-21 08:26:34
Date of submission: 2019-02-21 08:15:28


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